Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Eat and go out.

Hello everyone!
I finished my internet project last week and I want to share with you my final blog.
If you like good food and having new addresses to try, this blog is for you! You should look at: https://eatandgoout.wordpress.com/
All the best,

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Future of eBooks? Streaming is Now 21% of Music Revenues in the US

Internet is changing our life in everywhere, it is also changing the the business model of many industries. Here is an interesting article which talks about the changes in music and book industry.

The Future of eBooks? Streaming is Now 21% of Music Revenues in the US

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The girl effect: The clock is ticking - YouTube

you might find it interesting to watch this and other "the girl effect" videos...

The presentation technique is quite dynamic and fresh! even this one from 6 years ago.

What do you think?

The girl effect: The clock is ticking - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Monday, June 20, 2016

About Internet of Things

Hi everyone,

My project for this course will be the Internet of Things, how it develops itself in typical French and big companies, and maybe, in the end, what are the potential developments and funding of the IoT in the US compared to France.

Have you ever heard about the Internet Of Things?
These are objects that we or companies may use daily in our lives.

What is the IoT technically speaking?

These things are made up of 3 technologies:
  • Components (hardware and software): The object itself is mostly composed of captors, electronical components and the OS (for example: Arduino and Raspberry Pi  are some of the least expensive pieces of hardware)
  • Connectivity: The information captured by the object is transmitted on a specific network. IoT mostly use IoT-designated networks developed by SigFox and Lora. These networks allow objects to be very-low energy, but it could also be wifi, Bluetooth, or anything else
  • Server and database : Datas are saved on a server, that will transmit the information either to a user, or to calculators or other IoT objects.

Have you figured out what were Internet of Things objects ? Do you want some examples ?
  • The drone Parrot
  • The NEST thermostat
  • want more ? : go check www.aruco.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Is internet making us stupid?

Hi everyone. 

Do you think internet is making us stupid?
I am writing this article to share with you what I think about this question. 
Share with me what do you think. :)

As a computer science student, I’m always interested in new technologies. Ever since the internet was born, our lives have been changing rapidly. 
I find I'm really lucky to have lived in both periods when there was neither Google nor Facebook and when they have become a part of my life. I strongly feel differences between these two lives. So I'd like to talk about how internet is changing our lives and are there any other changes?

As a big fan of Google, I use almost all the Google products .
Thanks to Google Search, I no longer need to spend my whole day in the library finding  answers to questions. 
Thanks to Google Maps, I no longer need to memorize the way to the nice restaurant which I tested last week.
And thanks to Google Calendar, I no longer worry about missing the big events of the month, Google can remind me two days before with all the details.
Everything becomes so easy and so convenient. 
But “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” We always pay for what we get. What are we paying? What’s the price?

I notice that the way I read has changed. I used to be patient in reading, but now I have more difficulties concentrating on a deep read. Especially when I read a long article, I tend to scan it by reading only the highlighted phrases and I easily miss information.  There are some restaurants where I have been more than three times , but I am not able to find them without my cell phone, because every time it was google which guided me there.
Moreover, I can’t imagine how my life would be badly organized if Google Calendar stopped popping up messages.
 (I can’t imagine what a mess my life would be without google agenda.)

So,  I’m wondering:
When Google is making my life easy, is it also making me stupid?
When Google is changing how I live, is it also changing how I think?

I did a quick search on Google, some studies confirmed what I thought. 

There was an interesting experiment from University of London, researchers analyzed a large number of taxi drivers’ brains and non-taxi drivers’ brains. They found that the hippocampus of taxi drivers was  larger. 
Later, McGill University did another study, they scanned the brains of adults who were GPS and non-GPS users. Their result was that non-GPS users had a greater volume of grey matter in the hippocampus than GPS users. 

The hippocampus is a part of our brain, which is involved in memory and in navigation processes. Due to its functions, we can find the way to our workplace, to home and to other places where we've been. It is one of the first areas of the brain to be affected by Alzheimer's disease, which results in memory loss and difficulties in spatial orientation.

Our brain is like a muscle, if we don’t exercise it, it becomes weaker and weaker it can lose some capacities. 
When we are using GPS or other tools to help us, we are using them to replace the work of our brain. The more we use them, the more we will be dependent on them, because we are losing our own capacities.

Earlier I mentioned that I find myself having more and more difficulties concentrating on a deep read. is it also because of internet? There's no research about this question, but I think it can be related. 
As our brain is plastic, it can be formed by the way we use it.
today when I type a word in Google, the most related information will be put in bold. I don't have to read a huge paragraphe to get what I want. That's extremely efficient. Even traditional medias have begun to use this efficient way. For example, newspaper, magasins have begun to use big titles and highlight important phrases in articles. Television shows have begun to pop up messages, leading us to think in the way they want us to. 

I am getting used to reading in this way, my brain is used to being informed in this way. When I read a long article where there is no highlight, nor easy information which jumps directly into my eyes, I find it tiring and that's why I can't keep concentrated.  

Internet is changing my life, but it's also changing how I think.
Internet is offering me a lot of conveniences, but the price I pay could be some  of my brain capacities!
What a horrible remark. What is  more horrible is that today I can't live without internet, I can't stop this change of our society.
fortunately, what I can change is myself. Adapting ourselevs to survive is always the law of nature. Since remote antiquity, the environnement change has  always been faster than the evolution  of our body, our brain. human being survived till today,this is because we know how to adapt to different situations. 
today, internet is everywhere, it has becomea part of our life condition . we can't completely reject  it, but we can use it better so that we can  benefit more and suffer less.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Is Internet changing how we think?

Hi everyone !

As a computer science student, I'm interested in new technologies, especially new technologies related to Internet and Digitalisation.
Internet and Digitalisation is changing our lives.
Are they changing us in other ways?
Are they changing the process of our thought ?

I found a very interesting article about which talks about these questions.

The internet: is it changing the way we think?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? - YouTube

My project is about social media and i found an interesting video about that. I would like to know your thoughts about this. Do you agree with it?

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? - YouTube